
Phenomenon of JD Salinger & The Catcher in the Rye.

The author of a 65 million sold copies of one of his most famous books, The Catcher in the Rye, JD Salinger makes the decision to run from it all. Well, at least the fame and not so much the $$$$$$$ lol.He left because the success of his book was overwhelming and he really wasn't ready for it at the rapid speed it came from in my opinion. "I'm so sorry you've come so far but, as you will know, my husband is someone who values his privacy," says the wife of Salinger to a reporter from Spector name Leonard. It makes perfect sense to me as of why he doesn't want media taking over all of the little bit of privacy he does have (at home). On the other hand, I'm not so sure about the disappearance in the public eye completely and turning anti-social when everyone just wants to credit him for a great contribution to the world through writing and his own personal accomplishments. Moreover,• The catcher in the rye was a lot more fascinating during the 1950s and has dramatically changed over the years differently in many people eyes. In 1950s, teens were a lot more rebellious and dealing with post-war stress. Some people, mostly parents think it’s unappropiate for teens in highschool and has been banned because of that. However, schools that continue to teach have realized and noticed the awesome literature JD Salinger intells.
"I connected to this book in the sense that my way of thinking is the same as Holden. Yes, he is selfish and a madman. Is this bad? It is not for us to say. It has been benifitial to me and everyone around me that i love. Holden is a fictional character that represents what many of us have gone through, and is the manifestation of what just a few of us have gone through. Parents, love it or hate it this book depicts the truth going on around our world. You of all people should know that this vulgar language is only as bad as we make it. It is in every day life, and honestly its not that big a deal.Neither is sexuality. Its not so much the age of the kid as much as it is the moral values, intelligence and manor to which the child has been raised. If the child has been raised in a non tolerant household that fluffs up the real world, of course the child is going to be disturbed by this. and kids, teens, whatever, please read this book. hell, you might not make the least bit connection with it but it is a very real statement and your first insight of the truth. "

This is a discussion about the negativity parents and others in authorities having been giving this book instead of at least crediting the author for the overall concept/message. “All I did was, I got up and went over and looked out the window. I felt so lonesome, all of a sudden. I almost wished I was dead.” Both boys are motivated to consider suicide by a feeling of intense loneliness. This suggests that Huck and Holden not only wish to escape the constricting, corrupting influence of civilization as they perceive it, but also to discover some unprecedented form of community or intimacy that the prevailing social order has denied them.



Holden? Hmmmmm..CHILDLIKE much?
Describing Holden and what I truly think of him can't be told one word and not even a few,but I'll try my best.
Holden Caulfield is a terribly disillusioned teenager who is disgusted with the adult world he sees around him. His plan to run away from school is the result of his desperation to escape the realities of his oncoming adulthood. Through the innocence of his youth Holden views the world as hypocritical and corrupt. His fondest memories are of playing checkers with Jane Gallagher and dancing with his sister Phoebe. Among his many cynical views is his attitude about sex. He is disgusted that people can have sex casually rather than it being an expression of love. He is traumatized when he perceives that people are ruining his sense of purity and righteousness. An example is his hatred of the profanity used in graffiti, most especially when it’s within the view of young children. Holden fools himself into believing that he can stay young forever and his attempt at running is his means of doing so. He has temper tantrums, he smokes in his dorm room even though he knows it is against the rules. He doesn't study. He likes to sit and pretend he cannot see, and calls to his mom for a joke. He does this to annoy Ackley, and he says he does childish games like this all the time for his own amusement.I'd say he is disrespectful to his roommate, and neighbors his dorm building. He starts a fight with his roommate over a childish crush he has on an old female friend and neighbor. He rides ackley about how his roommate was right in saying he does not brush his teeth.

“I took my old hunting hat out of my pocket while I walked and put it on. I knew I wouldn’t meet anybody that knew me, and it was pretty damp out” (Holden Caulfield – CITR). Holden’s red hunting hat from the book Catcher In The Rye, is one of the most recognizable symbols from twentieth-century American literature. It represents his individuality and need for security, while also representing his mixed emotions on acceptance, alienation, conformity.Holden's red hunting hat appears frequently throughout the book but one of the most significant appearances is in chapter 13.Honestly, I could go on and on about him,but overall, I must say Holden represents an average teen of his decade that is put in similar situations with the same reactions.Period.


My red Hunting Hat

In my personal opinion, the red hunting hat is a way of Holden expressing his freedom and voice. This one is open to interpretation. I always saw it as a symbol of Holden's identity. It's a bit strange and out of place, as is Holden. It's something he hides behind, choosing to wear it at times when he doesn't care how he looks. He often hides behind fake identities in the novel.Some draw a connection between the hat and his brother Allie, because Allie had such bright red hair. Maybe a way to hang on to his memory, with the hat?? I think there's definitely significance to Phoebe wearing the hat toward the end of the book. When Holden sees her walking toward him, wearing his hat and carrying his suitcase, it makes him realize Phoebe is following directly in his footsteps. This is what makes him change his mind about running away from home.

The first time we read The Catcher in the Rye, we noticed that this red hat kept cropping up, but actually, we didn't really know what to do with it. At first it just seemed a little ridiculous. After all, Holden just berated Mr. Spencer for being the kind of old guy that "can get a big bang out of buying a [Navajo] blanket," and here he is a few chapters later admitting that he himself gets "a big bang out of that hat." At least on this level, the hat hints that Holden has the same characteristics he judges in others. But at this point, that's not really news to us. There's definitely more hidden in this hat.Then we had to look at certain specific key passages, starting with the first time we see the hat. Holden tells us (towards the beginning of Chapter Three) that he bought the hat in New York that morning after he left all the fencing equipment on the subway and pissed off the entire team. So we know he's feeling particularly vulnerable at the time, though Holden would never admit to such a state as vulnerability.Overall, the red hunting hat has endless possibilites of purpose.


A. Literature's RIGHT TURN----->

So far, I am rather comfortable with the direction of the classroom. The workload isn't overwhelming nor less productive in my eyes. Along with are awesome discussions we have almost everyday are the best. This class in particular has challenged my mind in a way that I haven't been challenged in a long time. Instead of just asking questions regarding the textbook course, we discuss and are questions related to life as we know it today which I for one believe is a excellant excercise for teens our age. It gives me this feeling of expression. Even though I don't say as much as I would like in and during the class period, my mind wonders and thinks about so many things to say and "what ifs" as others speak their opinion around me. Not to mention the fantastic sense of humor we have every now and then,the best. However, I think the class could become more in depth by having an exercise that allows everyone to speak their mind (even bashful people like me) through having a mandatory word input session and not just those who volunteer their opinions. Indeed, we have a very small class population that sets us apart from most other periods, but that lack of people in our presence should be the main reason why "all" of us share even more:)